Home Case Study Sensible TES PCM Overview Difficulties Future Work References

Sensible TES


Home Case Study Sensible TES PCM Overview Difficulties Future Work References

Phase-Change Media for CSP Thermal Energy Storage

Conventional dual-tank storage system in a concentrating solar tower system; from (EnergyBlog 2005).

Sensible heat storage systems, as opposed to latent heat storage (i.e., PCMs), depend solely on the thermal conductivity and heat capacity of the storage media. The vast majority of TES systems currently in use employ sensible heat storage (Goswami, Kreith et al. 2000).

In addition to the distinction between sensible and latent heat storage systems, we can also draw a distinction between active and passive systems. Simply put, active systems require mechanical steps in addition to the pumping of heat transfer fluid (HTF) to implement the storage scheme; passive systems, on the other hand, merely require pumping HTF through stationary storage media (sensible or latent).
A great many different sensible storage systems have been conceived. These include (Medrano, Gil et al. 2010): steam accumulation; thermoclines; dual-tank systems; and passive concrete.

These methodologies are discussed in more detail below.


Steam Accumulation

The idea behind steam accumulation is a simple one: use the same process fluid used in the power block (water / steam) to store excess thermal energy. In fact, this technology has been refined through extensive prior use in fossil fuel plants. The general design of such a thermal storage system, in tandem with a solar tower plant, is illustrated below (Steinmann and Eck 2006).

Solar tower plant with direct steam generation storage; from (Steinmann and Eck 2006).

Basically, excess steam is directed to a storage tank where it is pressurized to saturated liquid water. When solar insolation declines, for whatever reason, the outlet of the tank is opened, allowing the expansion of the liquid water into pressurized steam, which can drive the turbine in lieu of steam obtained directly from the solar heating. This arrangement makes for ease of compatibility with conventional fossil fuel sources, which may augment the supply of steam when solar energy and stored thermal energy are unavailable. Also, steam accumulation may be paired with other storage media, including PCMs, if a secondary storage system is needed to provide superheated steam for more efficient turbine operation (Medrano, Gil et al. 2010).



In the context of thermal energy storage, thermoclines are simply large tanks of a particular heat transfer medium, such as concrete, through which the HTF flows. To maintain the temperature gradient across the tank, the HTF is initially drawn out of the bottom of the tank, run through the solar field, and returned through the top at higher temperature. When the tank needs to discharge, the process is reversed, with hot HTF flowing from the top of the tank, through the power block, and then returning at lower temperature to the bottom of the tank. A basic schematic for the thermocline utilized at the 1MW Saguaro plant in Arizona is shown below (Kolb 2006).

Design of thermocline storage tank; from (Kolb 2006).

Dual-Tank Storage Systems

Dual tank storage systems are designed to keep hot and cold HTFs separate from one another. A sample system layout is illustrated at the top of this page. The basic idea is that one tank will hold cold HTF, siphoned from the power block effluent, and the other tank will hold hot HTF, which is taken directly from the solar field. The inherent benefit behind this design is the separation, and therefore improved thermal control, of the hot and cold fluids (Herrmann and Kearney 2002). Indeed, the Solar Two plant in California demonstrated 97% round-trip storage conversion efficiencies with this arrangement, using molten salts for the HTF (Medrano, Gil et al. 2010). The downside, of course, is the need for additional tanks, piping, and pumps, which would not otherwise be required of a storage system with a single tank (e.g., thermocline). Also, as was the case with Solar Two, immersion heaters may be required to maintain appropriate HTF operating temperatures, in addition to the large amount of necessary insulation materials (Medrano, Gil et al. 2010).


Passive Concrete

In this storage system, the thermal energy is stored passively--that is, the systems heat exchanger is simply embedded within concrete blocks that absorb and alternately release heat, as shown in the picture from Plataforma Solar de Almeira, below (Medrano, Gil et al. 2010). The advantages of this system are clear: simplicity and low cost. Concrete is among the cheapest materials to employ for thermal storage. And yet, it is has a surprisingly high volumetric heat capacity: according to a study dated 2002, reinforced concrete possesses 80% of the heat capacity of sodium nitrate PCM, and it is just one quarter the cost on a thermal kWh basis (Herrmann and Kearney 2002).

Such systems are not without their drawbacks, however. Given the rigid nature of the design, less control and flexibility is allowed. Also, in some cases, repeated thermal cycling has led to the development and propagation of cracks in the concrete matrix, which can compromise thermal storage efficacy.

High temperature passive concrete storage system at Plataforma de Almeira; from (Medrano, Gil et al. 2010).



Power distribution curves for the AndaSol I solar power plant (Medrano, Gil et al. 2010).

We can see from the picture above the true value of effective thermal storage: use of appropriately designed TES systems can allow for consistent turbine operation over much of the day. But what of PCM storage schemes? With all the approaches discussed above, what additional value do PCMs bring to this problem? We discuss that in the next section.


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